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Selected recent faculty research publications.


“Yan Xu, Mandy Hu, Junhong Chu, Andrew Ching (2024) Heterogeneous Complementarity and Team Design: The Case of Real Estate Agents, Marketing Science, forthcoming,

Wang, Xin (Shane), Neil Bendle, Yinjie Pan (2024), “Beyond Text: Marketing Strategy In A World Turned Upside Down,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming. 

Nguyen, Peter, Xin (Shane) Wang (2024), "The Influence of Non-Physicality of Goods on Disparities in Seller-Buyer Valuations: A Meta-Analysis," Journal of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming. 

Wang, Xin (Shane), Xi Li, Praveen Kopalle (2024), “When does it pay to invest in pricing algorithms?” Product and Operation Management, forthcoming.

Li, Xi, Xin (Shane) Wang, Barrie Nault (2024), “Is Personalized Pricing Profitable When Firms Can Differentiate?”  Management Science, 70 (7), 4184 – 4199.

Wang, Xin (Shane), Jun Hyun (Joseph) Ryoo, Margaret C. Campbell, J. Jeffrey Inman (2024), “Unraveling Impact: Exploring Effects of Novelty in Top Consumer Research Journals,” Journal of Consumer Research, 51 (1), 169 -179.

Educational Inequality and Reservation Policy in Developing Markets," W. Bao, Jian Ni, S. Singh, Management Science, 70(5), 2024.

“Randomized Experiments to Reduce Overuse of Healthcare: A Scoping Review,” R. Gupta, E. Xie, M. Zhu & J. Segal, Medical Care, 2024, 62(4), 263-269.


“Bart J. Bronnenberg, Tobias J. Klein, Yan Xu (2023) Consumer Time Budgets and Grocery Shopping Behavior. Management Science 70(3):1596-1612.

Jaspers, E.D.T., Pandelaere, M, Pieters, R, & Shrum, LJ. (2023). Focus on the Facets: The Relationship Between Materialism and Subjective Well-Being Varies Systematically Between Facets of the Material Values Scale. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(3), 591-601

He, Jiaxiu, Bingqing Li, Xin (Shane) Wang (2023), “Image Features and Demand in the Sharing Economy: A Study of Airbnb,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (4), 760 – 780. 

Kim Eunsoo, Mengqi (Annie) Ding, Xin (Shane) Wang, Shijie Lu (2023), “Does Topic Consistency Matter? A Study of Critic and User Reviews in the Movie Industry,” Journal of Marketing, 87 (3), 428 -450.

Leveraging the E-commerce footprint for the surveillance of healthcare utilization,  M. Hermosilla, Jian Ni, H. Wang, J. Zhang, Health Care Management Science, August 2023, Volume 26, 604–625.

“Providing Asset in the Sharing Economy: Low Socioeconomic Status as a Barrier,”  Wu, Y., R. Wang, H. Jin & M. Zhu, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2023, 40 (3), 534-551. 


Madan, Shilpa, Krishna Savani, and Gita Venkataramani Johar (2022), "How you look is who you are: The appearance reveals character lay theory increases support for facial profiling," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Madan, Shilpa, Krishna Savani, and Constantine S. Katsikeas (2022), "Privacy please: Power distance and people’s responses to data breaches across countries," Journal of International Business Studies

““Entrepreneurial Learning and Disincentives in Crowdfunding Markets”, Management Science, forthcoming, Yan Xu and Jian Ni” with “Yan Xu, Jian Ni (2022) Entrepreneurial Learning and Disincentives in Crowdfunding Markets. Management Science 68(9):6819-6864.

Zeugner-Roth, K., Fischer, P., Katsikeas, C. & Pandelaere, M. Pride and prejudice: Unraveling and mitigating domestic country bias (2022). Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 405-433


Carnabuci, Gianluca, Cécile Emery, and David Brinberg (2018), “Emergent leadership structures in informal groups: A dynamic, cognitively informed network model,” Organization Science. 29 (1), 118-133.

David, Derick, and Rajesh Bagchi (2018), “How Evaluations of Multiple Percentage Price Changes Are Influenced by Presentation Mode and Percentage Ordering: The Role of Anchoring and Surprise,” Journal of Marketing Research, 55 (5), 655-666.

Estes, Richard, and Joseph Sirgy (2018), “Advances in Well-Being: Toward a Better World”, London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Hock, Stefan, and Rajesh Bagchi (2018), “The Impact of Crowding on Calorie Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (5), 1123-1140.

May, Frank, and Caglar Irmak (2018), “The Effects of Rarity on Indulgent Consumption: Non-Impulsives Indulge When Low Frequency Is Salient,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (2), 383-402.

Sevilla, Julio, Mathew Isaac, and Rajesh Bagchi (2018), “Format Neglect: How the Use of Numerical Versus Percentage Rank Claims Influences Consumer Judgements,” Journal of Marketing, 82 (6), 150-164.

Stamatogiannakis, Antonios, Amitava Chattopadhyay, and Dipankar Chakravarti (2018), “Attainment versus maintenance goals: Perceived difficulty and impact on goal choice,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 149, 17-34.

Van Kerckhove, Anneleen, and Mario Pandelaere (2018), “Swiping is the new liking: How product orientation shapes product evaluations conveyed through swiping,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45, 633-647.