
The Doctoral Program in Business, with a concentration in Marketing, is designed to develop graduates who assume positions as faculty members in research-oriented schools of business. To obtain a position in a research-oriented school, students need to be able to publish in the leading journals (e.g., Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, etc.). Indeed, publishing while a student is the best way to obtain such a job upon graduation. Our program provides an excellent opportunity to do so for the following reasons:
- Faculty expertise: Our faculty publishes regularly in the top behavioral journals in Marketing (i.e., Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research). Indeed, over the 5 year period from 2012-2017, we are ranked #21 in North America in terms of the number of publications in these outlets—and it must be noted that this ranking is not adjusted for department size. Additionally, a number of our faculty members serve on the review boards of these prestigious journals. Thus, students in our doctoral program have access to highly productive faculty members who can provide insight into what it takes to publish in the top journals.
- Research breadth: Our faculty publishes on a number of topics relevant to consumer behavior, including (but not limited to) goal pursuit, numerosity, time perception, judgment and decision making, information processing, and other topics. Visit our research page for more detail. Thus, as a Ph.D. student, you will have access to experts on many diverse, interesting topics.
- Collaboration: Ours is an open department in that doctoral students are free to work with whomever they prefer. We encourage students to start working on research from day 1 and do not limit students to working with to any particular professor. Thus, from the day students enter the program, they can approach any professor they wish and begin working on research immediately. We give students generous access to our behavioral labs and online samples in order to facilitate publications and conference presentations. The size of the program is strictly controlled to allow for intensive faculty-student collaboration, so our faculty will always have time for students. Evidence of a doctoral program’s quality can be seen in where students are placed upon graduation. Graduates from our program are currently on the faculty of the University of Virginia, Texas Tech, Hofstra University, George Mason University, and the University of Minnesota. Our placements fare well in comparison to our peers, as can be seen in the annual Who Went Where report that details Marketing doctoral placements.
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