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Yan Xu

Assistant Professor of Marketing
2023 Pamplin (0236)
880 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061


Yan Xu is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech. Yan holds a Ph.D. Degree in Marketing and an MPhil. Degree in Economics from Tilburg University, The Netherlands, and a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

Yan's research is in quantitative marketing and empirical industrial organization. 

Publications and papers under review

“Heterogeneous Complementarity and Team Design: The Case of Real Estate Agents”, Yan Xu, Mandy Hu, Junhong Chu, and Andrew Ching, Minor Revision, Marketing Science

“Consumer Time Budgets and The Nature of Grocery”, Bart Bronnenberg, Tobias Klein and Yan Xu, Management Science (2023)

“Entrepreneurial Learning and Disincentives in Crowdfunding Markets”, Yan Xu and Jian Ni, Management Science (2022)