Program Structure

The program of study includes a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework at the graduate level, plus a comprehensive project, examination, or a thesis.
The degree requirements include 9-12 credit hours of advanced marketing seminars (6000 level). A minimum of 9 credit hours of research methods and statistics courses at the graduate level. Suggested courses include graduate study in Statistics, Econometrics, Psychology and/or Marketing. An additional 6-9 elective credit hours at the graduate level in a related discipline (e.g., psychology or economics) or graduate level business courses (if the student has the requisite background and space permits) that would contribute to the student's ability to design and conduct sophisticated research.
Also, a comprehensive applied project entailing the design and implementation of appropriate marketing research skills, an examination covering the marketing literature and research methods, or a master's thesis. Up to 6 credit hours will be awarded for the thesis.