Annie Hunter - JMAB President and Prism Account Manager
September 15, 2023

Welcome to another Pamplin Student Spotlight! We had the pleasure of talking to Senior Annie Hunter, who is the current President of the Junior Marketing Advisory Board, an Account Manager for VT Prism, and will be starting as a Brand Analyst at Altria after she graduates this December.
Describe your role as President of The Junior Marketing Advisory Board (JMAB).
As President of JMAB, I lead the Junior Marketing Advisory Board, which is a tight knit group of students. We work at majors fairs for all of our underclassmen, we also do open houses and get to talk to high school juniors and seniors as they figure out their college career. We are often in Pamplin doing pop up booths, handing out coffee to students talking about the Marketing departments resources. Overall as President, I have a lot of fun getting to mentor students and organize a lot of the Marketing department events.
Describe your role in Prism.
In Prism I’ve had a couple different roles like content creator and account executive. Now I’m an account manager, so I get to manage a team of graphic designers, data analysts, content creators, and multimedia specialists and we create various advertising campaigns for clients within Blacksburg.
What has been your favorite part of JMAB and Prism?
My favorite part of being a member of JMAB is really getting to embody Ut Prosim and helping out future Marketing students and some of our younger Marketing students. I’ve had so many alumni and upperclassmen that have helped me out when I was a younger Hokie, so I really like getting to pay it forward and help mentor students. I love the community of Prism, I’m really inspired by all of the talented students there and getting to work on real world projects is very exciting.
What has been the most valuable thing you have learned at Virginia Tech?
The most valuable thing I’ve learned is that college is the start of your career, so I’ve treated my four years as the start of my career path and I really took that seriously by building my network, getting experience over the four years, and building up my resume now before I enter the “real world” as people would say. That’s really helped me gain a lot of confidence and has made me feel prepared starting my first full time job.
What are you most looking forward to at Altria?
I will be starting as a Brand Analyst at Altria. What I’m most excited about is working with our Advertising Agency to direct campaigns.
What advice do you have for Marketing students?
My advice for Marketing students is to really take advantage of all of our resources and the best way you can do this is looking over the Soar in 4 packet. Some of the things I took advantage of that are in there are the field practicums, so I got college credit for doing internships, which was amazing. I was able to be the recipient of our Marketing Excellence Award Scholarship. Another great resource about the packet is that it lists out our Marketing Advisory Board members which I’ve got to network and get great advice from.