Sadie Jeter: Marketing Department Associate
May 1, 2024

This week, we have the pleasure of spotlighting the Marketing Department's very own, Sadie Jeter. Sadie has played a pivotal role in the success of the Marketing Department and her efforts do not go unnoticed. As Sadie wraps up her senior year, she shares her experience working with the Marketing Department and advice for students.
Tell us about your role as a Marketing Department Associate.
As a Marketing Department Associate, we do basically anything that the Marketing Department needs. That includes copywriting, social media management, analytics, event promotion and execution, and any other necessary tasks.
How has working for the Marketing Department impacted your professional growth?
One of my main career goals is to one day lead a team of Marketing professionals. Through this [MDA] role, I have been able to act as every single part of a Marketing team. We are the strategists, promoters, copywriters, social team, graphic designers, and the analysts. Having the opportunity to act as every piece of that puzzle has made me a better leader whenever I am in a group of people working on each of those facets. Because I have been in their shoes, I can be a much better leader.
What is your favorite part about working as a Marketing Department Associate? What was your most rewarding accomplishment?
My favorite part of working as a Marketing Department Associate is the wide-open doors and opportunities it provides. The role is what you make it, and it has been an excellent opportunity to learn as I go, expand my horizons in marketing, and get comfortable doing all the pieces of marketing at a professional level. My most rewarding accomplishment each semester is being able to present our progress to the Marketing Advisory Board and get their feedback to continue our professional growth.
What was your favorite memory as an Events Intern at NFM+Dymun?
My internship with NFM+Dymun was a really great experience and very similar to my Marketing Department Associate Role. I worked with the Account Services and Events team. I was doing cold calls, experiential marketing strategy and implementation, and account service. It was amazing to be able to gain professional marketing experience in many different facets, which allowed me to grow my skills very quickly. My favorite memory from my internship was an event that we did with Antoni Porowski from Queer Eye. Right now, I am mostly on the academic side of Marketing, so working with people who have been doing this professionally for 20-30 years and witness their strategy play out seamlessly in real time was really exciting.
What advice do you have for current VT Marketing students?
If you are an underclassman, a transfer student, or any student lacking direction, go to the Soar in 4 packet. If I had this when I was a freshman, I never would have let it out of my hand. Whether you have a question about the Marketing Department, you are lacking direction, or you are looking to get involved, go to the Soar in 4 packet.
My second piece of advice is to be an initiator. Something that has been very valuable in my career and in classes is being the person who can get the ball rolling. At the beginning of any group project or marketing strategy, be the person who delegates. Even if it is just putting project instructions in a format that everyone can understand, be an initiator.
My next piece of advice is to get involved. We have so many opportunities in the Marketing department to join a club and make friends. Whether it is a social club, a professional club, or both, get involved! It will look great on your resume, you will be able to find like-minded people, and you will make meaningful connections that last a lifetime.
Lastly, make an effort to get to know your professors. In the Virginia Tech Marketing Department, we have incredible faculty. They are kindhearted, brilliant people, and they want you to succeed. Making connections with these people is beneficial personally, academically, and professionally.