Professor of Practice Mark Michalisin Launches Debut Book
April 5, 2023

Have you ever had a dream or goal that seems out of reach? Well, Professor of Practice Mark Michalisin from Marketing in the Pamplin College of Business may just have some words of wisdom. In his new book entitled “In The Arena: From the Boardroom to the Classroom”, we hear first hand experience of Michalisin’s successes and failures, but also how he overcomes them with a short list of quotes taped to his wall. Even more unique, he didn’t just write this book, his students wrote an entire chapter based off of the lessons he’s taught them. When we sat down with Professor Michalisin he said the number one thing he’d say to students and anyone listening would be to “never, ever give up.”
Throughout this book, Michalisin talks about the people who inspired and motivated him, as well as teaching the important life lesson of giving back. As Michalisin enters this final 2 weeks of his pre-sell campaign, for every book sold this week (up to 100), Professor Michalisin will donate 50% of the book cost to the Colo-rectal Cancer Alliance in the memory of his mother-in-law, Madeline Norman, and a current student’s mom. Michalisin says “My mother-in-law and Julie both lost their battle with colon cancer after a long and courageous fight, and a cure must be found.”
Both Julie and Madeline never quit during their battle, nor did they ever complain. When they were knocked down, they picked themselves back up and kept moving forward. They truly were Women in the Arena and someone whom we should all aspire to emulate and remember when we feel like quitting. #vtmktg #pamplinproud #virginiatech
If you would like, join Professor Michalisin in this effort by purchasing a copy of In the Arena and helping to fund colon cancer research for a cure.
$20 donation for every book bought at $39 and $49. Limited to 100 books Help us find a cure! Please use code: cure2023