Kelsey Phelon

Graduation Date
Spring 2021
Marketing Management and Corporate Finance
Involvement on Campus: Business Horizons: Hospitality Committee, Pamplin Ambassadors: Student Ambassador, Sigma Kappa: Sisterhood Chair, BASIS: Junior Analyst & Recruitment Chair, Collegiate Women in Business
What advice would you give to incoming or prospective students?:
Ask about the alumni network! One of the best parts of Pamplin are the loyal Hokies who will go out of their way to offer advice and support for the career search. From visiting Tech during Business Horizons, taking time for an informational phone call, to hosting company visits - our alumni go above and beyond for students.
Why did you choose Marketing/What makes Marketing in Pamplin stand out to you?:
I have always been fascinated by the customer whether it be trends or building a client relationship. Pamplin has renowned faculty which provide a phenomenal classroom education and the college is forward thinking. VT Marketing has innovative learning and research. I appreciated the Pamplin's track record for producing thought-leaders within Marketing and their vision for the future.
Is there anything you wish you did differently as an underclassmen student?:
As an underclassmen I wish I had reached out to more upperclassmen. Mentors at school are very helpful with career, extracurricular, and academic advice. Upperclassmen have been through the first year and have insight to offer!
What do you hope to do post graduation?:
I hope to work in Sales and Trading for a financial services firm.