Yehjun Lee

Yehjun Lee is a doctoral student in Marketing at the Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech. Yehjun received a B.S. and an M.S. (Marketing) in Business Administration from Korea University. His master’s thesis investigated consumers’ fear over losing control to autonomous vehicles and potential tools in mitigating consumer concerns. Before pursuing further education, he worked in the marketing department at Franklin Templeton’s Seoul office.
Yehjun’s research interests focus on the consumers’ reactions to and interactions with technological advancements, such as AI, metaverse, and virtual humans. For instance, he finds interest in exploring the potential impacts of externalizing consumers’ judgment via non-human agents, which may cause distortions in consumer judgments. He is also interested in anthropomorphism and mind perception theory in examining consumers’ responses to innovative products and services.
He received his B.A in Business Administration as well as his M.S in Marketing from Korea University.