Dipankar Chakravarti
- Robert H. Digges Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies

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Dipankar Chakravarti is Professor of Marketing and the Robert H. Digges Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at the Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech. He is the founding Director of the Ph.D. Concentration in Executive Business Research. He is also a Professor Emeritus at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Dr. Chakravarti holds a B.Sc. (Honors in Physics) from Presidency College, University of Calcutta, and an M.S. and a Ph.D. (Industrial Administration) from Carnegie-Mellon.
He has taught previously at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School (Professor of Marketing; Vice-Dean), U. of Colorado, Boulder (Professor of Marketing; Ortloff Professor of Business) and U. of Arizona, Tucson (Professor of Marketing & Psychology; Thomas Faculty Fellow). He started his academic career at U. of Florida and has been a visiting faculty at Duke, ISB - Hyderabad and IIM-Calcutta, (Honorary Distinguished Institute Professor). He has also served as Interim Dean at Colorado’s Leeds School, and Head of the Marketing department at Arizona’s Eller School. During 1969-74, he worked with DCM, India, advancing to executive responsibilities for marketing planning and control of a national line of consumer products.
Dr. Chakravarti has published extensively on managerial and consumer decision making in marketing. His papers are widely cited in elite scholarly business journals and appear in JCP, JCR, JMR, JM, JAMS, Marketing Letters, Marketing Science, Management Science, OBHDP, and in scholarly books such as the Annual Review of Psychology. He has received several research awards from the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), including the ACR/JCR award for the best JCR article (1991-93). He is a fellow of SCP, and a current or former member of the editorial boards of JCP, JCR, JMR, JM, Journal of Retailing, among others. A member of JCP’s founding editorial team, he was Associate Editor (1991-93) and Editor (1993-96).
Dr. Chakravarti has held a broad portfolio of undergraduate and graduate teaching responsibilities. His recent MBA teaching responsibilities include Managerial Decision Behavior and Social Entrepreneurship. His Ph.D. teaching focuses on advanced marketing research, marketing management/strategy, and managerial/consumer decision making. He has directed college and departmental Ph.D. programs at Florida, Arizona and Colorado, and was recognized as an outstanding faculty in doctoral education at Virginia Tech. As Vice-Dean (Programs) at JHU’s Carey School, Dr. Chakravarti led the design and successful launch of the school’s full-time Global MBA Program. He also founded and directed the signature Innovation for Humanity course which was recognized in the national business press and at JHU for curriculum innovation. At Colorado, Dr. Chakravarti was founding director of the Leeds Program in International Management and served on the boards of the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship and the Center for Asian Studies.
Dr. Chakravarti has held elected office as President, SCP, Director (Academic), ACR, as well as appointed positions on JCR’s policy board, research advisory councils for the AMA and the Marketing Science Institute. He has worked with major global corporations (e.g., IBM, P&G), agencies (e.g., FTC, UNDP), as well as entrepreneurial ventures as a consultant and executive educator. He is a charter member of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE–Rockies) and has served on its board of directors. He is married to Sharmila, formerly a senior clinical dietitian with the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. Originally from Kolkata, India, they are now “empty nesters” and live in Ellicott City, MD.
Chakravarti, Dipankar, Andrew A. Mitchell and Richard Staelin (1979), "Judgment Based Marketing Decision Models: An Experimental Investigation of the Decision Calculus Approach." Management Science, 25, 3, March, 251- 263.
Chakravarti, Dipankar, Andrew A. Mitchell and Richard Staelin (1981), "Judgment Based Marketing Decision Models: Problems and Possible Solutions." Journal of Marketing, 45, 4, Fall, 13-21. (Lead article)
Biehal, Gabriel J. and Dipankar Chakravarti (1982), "Information Presentation Format and Learning Goals as Determinants of Consumers' Memory Retrieval and Choice Processes." Journal of Consumer Research, 8, 4, March, 431-441.
Biehal, Gabriel J. and Dipankar Chakravarti (1983), "Information Accessibility as a Moderator of Consumer Choice." Journal of Consumer Research, 10, 4, March, 1-14. (Lead article)
Biehal, Gabriel J. and Dipankar Chakravarti (1986), "Consumers' Use of Memory and External Information in Choice: Macro and Micro Perspectives." Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 4, March, 382-405. (Nominee: 1987 ACR/JCR award for the best paper in Journal of Consumer Research during 1984-86).
Biehal, Gabriel J. and Dipankar Chakravarti (1989), "The Effects of Concurrent Verbalization on Choice Processing." Journal of Marketing Research, 26, 1, February, 84-96.
Dick, Alan S., Dipankar Chakravarti and Gabriel Biehal (1990), "Memory Based Inferences During Consumer Choice." Journal of Consumer Research, 17, 1, June, 82-93.
Cohen, Joel B. and Dipankar Chakravarti (1990), "Consumer Psychology." in Lyman W. Porter and Mark R. Rosenzweig, eds. Annual Review of Psychology, 41, Palo Alto, CA, 243-288.
Lynch, John G. Jr., Dipankar Chakravarti and Anusree Mitra (1991), "Contrast Effects in Consumer Judgments: Changes in Mental Representation or in the Anchoring of Rating Scales." Journal of Consumer Research, 18, 3, December, 284-297. (Winner, 1994 ACR/JCR award for the best paper in Journal of Consumer Research during 1991-93).
Hoffman, Elizabeth, Dale Menkhaus, Dipankar Chakravarti, Ray Field and Glen Whipple (1993), "Using Laboratory Experimental Auctions in Marketing Research: A Case Study of New Packaging for Fresh Beef." Marketing Science, 12, 3, Summer, 318-338.
Krishnan, H. Shankar and Dipankar Chakravarti (1999), "Memory Measures for Pretesting Advertisements: An Integrative Conceptual Framework and a Diagnostic Template." Journal of Consumer Psychology. 8, 1, 1-37. (Lead Article).
Srivastava, Joydeep, Dipankar Chakravarti, and Amnon Rapoport (2000), "Price and Margin Negotiations in Marketing Channels: An Experimental Study of Sequential Bargaining Under One-Sided Uncertainty and Opportunity Cost of Delay." Marketing Science, 19, 2, Spring, 163-184.
Chakravarti, Dipankar (2006), “Voices Unheard: The Psychology of Consumption in Poverty and Development.” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16, 4, 363-376.
Srivastava, Joydeep and Dipankar Chakravarti (2009), “Channel Negotiations with Information Asymmetries: Contingent Influences of Communication and Trustworthiness Reputations.” Journal of Marketing Research, 46. 4, August, 557-572.
Srivastava, Joydeep and Dipankar Chakravarti (2011), “Price Presentation Effects in Purchases Involving Trade-ins.” Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 5, October, 557-572.
Cheema, Amar, Dipankar Chakravarti and Atanu Sinha, (2012) “Bidding Behavior in Descending and Ascending Auctions.” Marketing Science, 31, 5, September-October, 779-800.
Stamatogiannakis, Antonios, Amitava Chattopadhyay and Dipankar Chakravarti, (2018) “Attainment Versus Maintenance Goals: Perceived Difficulty and Effects on Goal Choice.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 149, November. 17-34.
Chakravarti, Dipankar and Rowena Crabbe (2019), “Qualitative Research in Consumer Psychology.” In F. R. Kardes, P. M. Herr and N. Schwarz (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Psychology, London: Routledge, 61-92.
Awards & Honors
2018 Outstanding Faculty in Doctoral Education, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech
2016 Invited faculty, American Marketing Association - Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
Also 2009, 2006, 2005, 2003, 1999, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1986, 1985:
2013 JHU “Green Blue Jay” award for the “Innovation for Humanity” (I4H) course for creativity and innovation in involving Carey Business School MBA students in hands-on learning opportunities emphasizing humanity and social responsibility.
2011 Nominee, Editor, Journal of Marketing Research (declined). Also 2002, 1992
2010 “Innovation for Humanity” - Forbes list of 10 most innovative new courses in B-school curricula.
2007 Invited faculty, Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Symposium. Also 2002
2004 Nominee, President Association for Consumer Research. Also 2002, 1992 (declined)
2003: Elected President, Society for Consumer Psychology (2003-04)
2002: Lifetime Fellow, Society for Consumer Psychology
1999 Listed among 106 most published authors (unranked) in leading consumer behavior journals (JCP, JCR, JMR, JM) during 1977-96 (Eaton et al., "Structural Analysis of Co-author Relationships and Productivity in Consumer Behavior Research,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8, 1, 1999, 39-60).
1995 Distinguished Institute Professor (Honorary), Indian Inst. of Management, Calcutta (Term: 1995-2000)
1995 Nominee, Editor, Journal of Consumer Research. Also 1992 (declined)
1994 Winner, ACR/JCR award for best paper in the Journal of Consumer Research during 1991-93
1994 Elected Director (Academic), Association for Consumer Research, 1994-97
1993 Listed among 42 most published authors (unranked) in the Journal of Consumer Research during 1974-94. (Hoffman and Holbrook, "The Intellectual Structure of Consumer Research," Journal of Consumer Research, 19, 1993, 505-517)
1993 Editor, Journal of Consumer Psychology (1993-96); Co-Editor (1993); Associate Editor (1991-93)
1990 Invited coauthor, quadrennial chapter on Consumer Psychology, Annual Review of Psychology
1987 Nominee, ACR/JCR award for best paper in the Journal of Consumer Research during 1984-86
1984 Runner-up, best paper, AMA Summer Educators' Conference