Mario Pandelaere
- Graduate Program Director

880 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Mario Pandelaere is Associate Professor in Marketing. His research interests include consumer judgment and decision making, and materialism and conspicuous consumption. His work has been published in top-tier academic journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Psychological Science. He currently teaches Marketing, Society and Public Interest (MKTG 4664) and Experimental Business Research (MKTG 6234). He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Consumer Research and is an AE for the International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Representative Publications
Jaspers, E.D.T., Pandelaere, M, Pieters, R, & Shrum, LJ. (2023). Focus on the Facets: The Relationship Between Materialism and Subjective Well-Being Varies Systematically Between Facets of the Material Values Scale. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(3), 591-601
Pandelaere, M. (2022) Pursuing Affiliation Through Consumption. Current Opinion in Psychology, 46, 10.1016/j.copsyc.2022.101330
Zeugner-Roth, K., Fischer, P., Katsikeas, C. & Pandelaere, M. Pride and prejudice: Unraveling and mitigating domestic country bias (2022). Journal of International Business Studies, 53, 405-433
Li, Y., Heuvinck, N. & Pandelaere, M. (2022). The Light = Healthy Intuition. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32, 326-335Sundie, J., Pandelaere, M., Lens, I. & Warlop, L. (2020). Setting the Bar: The Influence of Women's Conspicuous Display on Men's Affiliative Behavior. Journal of Business Research
Ding, W., Pandelaere, M., Slabbinck, H., & Sprott, D.E. (2020). Conspicuous gifting: When and why women (do not) appreciate men's romantic luxury gifts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 87, article 103945
Lembregts, C. & Pandelaere, M. (2019). Falling Back on Numbers: When Preference for Numerical Product Information Increases after a Personal Control Threat. Journal of Marketing Research, 56, 104–122.
Van Kerckhove, A. & Pandelaere, M. (2018). Swiping is the new liking: How product orientation shapes product evaluations conveyed through swiping. Journal of Consumer Research, 45, 633-647.
Pandelaere, M. (2016). Materialism and Well-being: The Role of Consumption. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 33-38.
Krekels, G. & Pandelaere, M. (2015). Dispositional Greed. Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 225-230.
Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2013). Are All Units Created Equal? The Effect of Default Units on Product Evaluations. Journal of Consumer Research, 39, 1275-1289.
Hudders, L. & Pandelaere, M. (2012). The Silver Lining of Materialism: The Impact of Luxury Consumption on Subjective Well-Being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13, 411-437.
Pandelaere, M., Briers, B. & Lembregts, C. (2011). How to Make a 29% Increase Look Bigger: The Unit Effect in Option Comparisons. Journal of Consumer Research, 38, 308-322.
Janssens, K., Pandelaere, M, Millet, K., Van den Bergh, B., Lens, I. & Roe, K. (2011). Can buy me love. Mate attraction goals lead to perceptual readiness for status products. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 254-258.
Pandelaere, M., Millet, K., & Van den Bergh, B. (2010). Madonna or Don McLean? The effect of order of exposure on relative liking. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20, 442-451.
Cornelissen, G., Pandelaere, M., Dewitte, S., & Warlop, L. (2008). Positive cueing: Promoting sustainable consumer behavior by cueing common environmental behaviors as environmental. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25, 46-55.
Geyskens, K., Dewitte, S., Pandelaere, M., & Warlop, L. (2008). Tempt Me Just a Little Bit More: The Effect of Prior Food Temptation Actionability on Goal Activation and Consumption. Journal of Consumer Research, 35, 600-610.
Goukens C., Dewitte S., Pandelaere M., & Warlop L. (2007). Wanting a bit(e) of everything. Extending the valuation effect to variety seeking. Journal of Consumer Research, 34, 386-394.
Briers, B., Pandelaere, M., Dewitte, S., & Warlop, L. (2006). Hungry for Money: On the Exchangeability of Financial and Caloric Resources. Psychological Science, 17, 939-943.