Chitvan Trivedi
- Interim Associate Director of Executive Ph.D. Program

Office: 358
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Chitvan Trivedi is an applied social scientist with a diverse range of methodological and conceptual skills, he holds a Ph.D. in Social Ecology from the University of California, Irvine. Prior to joining Virginia Tech, he served as a visiting faculty member at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development at George Washington University, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at Gettysburg College, and a postdoctoral scholar at UCI. He also holds Master's degrees in Computer Networks and Business Administration.
His research explores social entrepreneurship and its impact on societal change, with a particular focus on systems thinking and collaborative processes in addressing social issues. He examines how international and national organizations tackle complex societal problems and identifies what makes their efforts successful. His approach is transdisciplinary, integrating social-ecological perspectives and bridging basic theory with community-based interventions. His teaching interests include social entrepreneurship, organizations and society, research methods, and organization theory.
Ph.D. : University of California, Irvine, Social Ecology
M.S. Middlesex University, London, UK, Computer Networks
MBA: Som-Lalit Institute of Management Studies, Ahmedabad, India, Marketing
B. Tech Gujarat Agricultural University, India, Dairy Technology
Trivedi, C., & Ray, S. (2024). Equity, empowerment, and social justice: Social entrepreneurship for formerly incarcerated individuals. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, (Online first), 19394225231223388.
Ray, S. M., Hinshaw, J., Trivedi, C., & Malhotra, G. (2024). Supporting WFN collective social entrepreneurship through social movement learning and critical participatory action research. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, (Online first), 19394225231221119.
Trivedi, C., & Misra, S. (2020). Communicative processes in trans-sector transdisciplinary collaborations. In G. R. Lotrecchiano & S. Misra (Eds.), Communication in transdisciplinary teams (pp. 91-122). Santa Rosa: Informing Science Press. (Free online access to the book)
Trivedi C. & Misra S. (2018). Dialogue and the creation of transformative social change: The case of social enterprises. The International Journal of the Emerging Transdiscipline. 21, 107-132. doi: 10.28945/4012
Misra, S., & Trivedi, C. (2017). Psychological impacts of technological change: An ethnic minority perspective. In A. Blume & A. Czopp (Eds.), Social Issues in living color: Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology (pp. 221-241) (Vol. 2nd): Praeger Books.
Trivedi, C. & Misra S. (2015). Relevance of systems thinking and scientific holism to social entrepreneurship. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 24(1), 37-62.
Trivedi, C., & Stokols, D. (2011). Social enterprises and corporate enterprises: Fundamental differences and defining features. Journal of Entrepreneurship (Sage Publications), 20(1), 1-32.
Trivedi, C. (2010). Toward a social ecological framework for social entrepreneurship. Journal of Entrepreneurship (Sage Publications), 19(1), 63-80
Trivedi, C. (2010). A social entrepreneurship bibliography. Journal of Entrepreneurship (Sage Publications), 19(1), 81-85.
Conference Papers
Ray, S. M., Hinshaw, J, Malhotra, G., & Trivedi, C (2022). Women, Femme and Non-binary (WFN) Entrepreneurs, Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Social Entrepreneurship. Presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education. October 11-14.
Trivedi, C. (June 2017). The integral place of dialogue in social entrepreneurial ventures. Paper presented at the Science of Team Science Conference, Clearwater, FL
Trivedi, C. (with Christoffersen, L., Hickman, A.J., & Sami, M.) (2009, October). A social ecological framework for addressing social issues. Paper presented at the First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Teaching Interest
Research Methods, Social Entrepreneurship, Organization Theory, Organizations and Society, and Strategic Change