Marketing Courses
MKTG 4154: Marketing Research (Summer 2024)
TR 12:00-3:00pm; Online over Zoom
Scientific process of problem solving in a marketing context.
Students learn
- problem definition,
- hypotheses generation,
- questionnaire development,
- research design and implementation,
- analysis, and
- interpretation of statistical findings.
Junior standing required.
Pre (3104 or 3104H), (BIT 2405 or STAT 3005), BIT 2406
Contact for more details
MKTG 4114: Introduction to AI in Marketing (Approved for Pathways 5a)
Semester: Fall 2024
Pre: Junior standing
Interested in learning how AI impacts the marketingplace?
Enrolling in this course will help you better understand
- myths & facts associated with AI
- AI opportunities in marketing and sales
- how firms can implement AI successfully
- how AI impacts consumers, firms, and society
Contact for additional information