Professional Sales Concentration (PRSL)

The Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing Management Major Concentration: Professional Sales (PRSL) program in the Marketing Department in the Pamplin College of Business is designed to prepare students for careers in professional sales. According to a study by the Chally Group, nearly "66 percent of all college and university graduates will enter a sales career." Furthermore, data shows that over 80 percent of all marketing graduates nationally will accept a sales position. So why not be prepared?
In addition to the standard Marketing major requirements, the PRSL concentration consists of the following courses.
- MKTG 4554 Buyer-Seller Relationships (Pre: MKTG 3104)
- MKTG 4454 Sales Force Management (Pre: MKTG 3104, MKTG 4204, MKTG 4554)
- MKTG 4774 Advanced Professional Selling (Pre: 3104, 4204, 4554)
For Marketing-specific course information for the PRSL concentration or minor contact:
Brian Collins
Professor of Practice
Sales & Marketing
For students interested in changing your major, adding a concentration or applying to the Pamplin College of Business, please contact the Undergraduate Advising Center (540) 231-6602.