Angela Yi

Angela Yi is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at the Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech. Angela holds a B.B.A. in Marketing from the University of Hong Kong and a M.S. in Marketing from Johns Hopkins University. Her current research addresses three major topics in consumer behavior. Her primary research focuses on understanding consumer judgment and decision-making in health contexts. Her dissertation reflects two essays. The first essay examines how the processing of numerical information on disease prevalence and fatalities, presented in different formats, influences people’s assessment of health risks and in turn, compliance with preventive behaviors. The second essay investigates how a search for cultural compatibility (versus racial bias) may influence patients’ preferences and choices for physicians and contribute to racial healthcare disparities. Taken together, her dissertation research has important implications for understanding consumers’ healthcare decisions as well as for managerial decisions on health communications and for healthcare policy making. In addition to her dissertation research, her third stream of research focuses on the role of political ideology in consumer decision-making.