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Why Marketing?

The movie you want to see this weekend? That’s the result of a marketing push. The celebrity “scandal” on TMZ? Marketing and spin. (Any mention is a good mention, right?) The products you buy, the company names you recognize…those are all the results of the hard work of marketers. Marketing is more important now than ever, with so many different forces competing for our attention, in-person and digitally. Marketers can be found in virtually every industry, working to make sure their brands are getting exposure.

What Do Marketers Do?

Marketers are “people” people, but they’re also data people. They take information about customers (demographics, spending power, needs and wants) and apply that to products and services to make them appealing to the potential customer base. Marketing professionals analyze the market’s demand for their company’s product or service, and turn that analysis into plans and strategies to promote directly to people. They process information about the industry, and come up with plans to make a brand more visible or appealing to those most likely to buy or use it.

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